Kallie’s New Hiding Spot

Kallie in the window

At least this is a spot in the house that I expect she can get to. Once I found her in the wall, behind the air return grille. Another time we were watching television and the rest of the animals informed us that Kallie was in the ceiling. Sigh.

We had three house showings on Tuesday. The first and third were the same couple – they decided to come back with one of their brothers and dad. Their second visit took an hour and a half, and it sounds like they really like the place. I guess the dad went through the house “with a fine tooth comb” and the only thing he had to comment on was the condition of the front (cement) steps. I had briefly considered the steps… but that was $1,000 that I think was better spent elsewhere (the new 200 Amp electric upgrade, for example…).

I haven’t heard anything yet, and we also haven’t had any showings since then. I was quite determined to have the house sell this week – we’ll see what comes of it.

One reply

  1. Lynn says:

    If she’s a hider now, just wait until you move! We trapped our cats in the kitchen the first evening of our move because they’re highly traumatized by new places, and smaller spaces are easier for them to get used to. By morning they had escaped (our kitchen has a swinging door), found our room and were sleeping on us, but they spent about two days in hiding.

    It didn’t take too long for them to recover, but there were many times that I worried one of them had crawled into some unsafe space we didn’t know about yet.

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